Located within the complex of Paisley Museum the Coats Observatory is a stunning building housing a vast range of telescopes and is the oldest public observatory in the country. During the day a variety of planetarium shows are offered and by night visitors have the opportunity to look through their powerful telescopes. Entrance to the museum and observatory is free of charge!
Location events organiser
Coats Observatory organises events at this location
Please contact Coats Observatory directly with any enquiries relating to visiting this location
Email: ram.els@renfrewshire.gov.uk
Website: Coats Observatory
Facebook: Coats Observatory
Weather forecast
13° 17% -
13° 55% -
13° 55% -
13° 77%
Weather forecast for Paisley (0.4 miles away) updated 04/10/24 at 12:01.
Local light pollution
Coats Observatory is estimated to have light pollution levels similar to an urban location based on the latest data from the VIIRS satellite.
Dark site
The above demonstrates the estimated effect of light pollution - graphics created using Stellarium.
Best time to visit
Find the best dates
If you are planning to visit this location check our dark sky calendar to find out when is best!