Practical Astronomy with Nottingham Astronomical Society

Practical Astronomy with Nottingham Astronomical Society

Thursday 19th January 2023 from 20:00pm to 22:00pm

Burnside Hall - Plumtree
Plumtree, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG12 5ND, East Midlands

Nottingham Astronomical Society hosts regular practical astronomy sessions on the third Thursday of each month at Burnside Hall in Plumtree.

Weather permitting, telescopes will be set up for observing — if you have your own, then take it along! If the weather is poor, the event remains a social evening with workshops inside the hall.

Everyone is welcome, and there is no need to book, however, we recommend contacting the Society to let them know you plan to attend.

Event organiser

Event booking

Weather forecast

Event darkness

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