Wadhurst and District Astronomical Society meeting

Wadhurst and District Astronomical Society meeting

Wednesday 18th January 2023 from 19:30pm to 22:00pm

Uplands Community College
Lower High Street, Wadhurst, East Sussex, TN5 6AZ

Wadhurst and District Astronomical Society meet at the Uplands Community College (usually) on the third Wednesday of each month (except for August). New members and visitors are always welcome.

Sessions include a talk by the main speaker followed by complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits! Then there is a short beginners talk and “Sky Notes” describing astronomical happenings in the coming month.

These meetings usually occur in the Emma Watson Theatre; however, please check with the Society as this is subject to change.

This meeting is an excellent opportunity to meet local astronomers and learn about their group observing events arranged at short notice.

Event organiser

Event booking

Weather forecast

Event darkness

Forthcoming events

Stay and gaze nearby