Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society lecture meeting
The first Monday of the month from September 2024 to May 2025
Ballyclare High School
31 Rashee Road, Ballyclare, County Antrim, BT39 9HJ
The Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society meets in the lecture theatre at Ballyclare High School from September to May on the first Monday of the month (the following Monday if bank holiday).
These meetings are informal and include a presentation by a prominent speaker on a wide range of astronomy topics. The group offers a warm and friendly atmosphere and welcomes newcomers and beginners.
The Society also has an observing group which meets regularly for practical sessions, weather permitting.
Event organiser
Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society organises these events
Please contact Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society directly for more details regarding their events.
Email: [email protected]
Website: Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society
Twitter: @niamateurastro
Facebook: Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society
Local light pollution
Ballyclare High School is estimated to have light pollution levels similar to asuburban suburban location based on the latest data from the VIIRS satellite.
Dark site
The above demonstrates the estimated effect of light pollution - graphics created using Stellarium.
Forthcoming events
Below is a list of Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society lecture meeting events at Ballyclare High School. You can view events at this location on a calendar.
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