BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// TZID:Europe/London X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20241007T193000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20241007T210000 DTSTAMP:20231112T210720Z URL: ng-2024-10-07/ SUMMARY:Aylesbury Astronomical Society meeting DESCRIPTION:Join the members of the Aylesbury Astronomical Society for thei r monthly meeting at Aylesbury Scout Hut. New members are always welcome a t these sessions\, including a presentation and an opportunity to learn mo re about the group's observing sessions at their observatory. Note that if this meeting falls on a bank holiday\, the meeting is moved to the follow ing Monday. CATEGORIES:Society meeting LOCATION:Aylesbury Scout Hut\, Oakfield Road\, Aylesbury\, Buckinghamshire\ , HP20 1LL\, United Kingdom GEO:51.818167;-0.789685 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=Oakfield Road\, Aylesbury\, Buckinghamshire\, HP20 1LL\, United Kingdom;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X-TITLE=Ay lesbury Scout Hut:geo:51.818167,-0.789685 ORGANIZER;CN="Aylesbury Astronomical Society" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20240331T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR