BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// TZID:Europe/London X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/London BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20241007T190000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20241007T210000 DTSTAMP:20231114T085147Z URL: onomy-association-27/ SUMMARY:Observing evening with St Neots Astronomy Association DESCRIPTION:Everyone is invited to join the St Neots Astronomy Association members for this one of their regular observing sessions at Paxton Pits Na ture Reserve.\n\nA typical observing evening will last 1-2 hours and inclu des a tour of the sky using a laser pen\, identifying constellations and p lanets that may be visible\, and then observing using telescopes.\n\nNote that this event is weather dependent\, a final go/no go decision will be a nnounced on the Society's website at 6 pm on the day of the event.\n\nThis event is run by volunteers and is free of charge\; donations to the Socie ty are welcome. ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg: 16/10/paxton-pits-nature-reserve-stargazing.jpeg CATEGORIES:Astronomy presentation,Observing (if clear) LOCATION:Paxton Pits Nature Reserve\, High Street\, Little Paxton\, Cambrid geshire\, PE19 6ET\, United Kingdom GEO:52.251499;-0.249724 X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION;VALUE=URI;X-ADDRESS=High Street\, Little Paxton \, Cambridgeshire\, PE19 6ET\, United Kingdom;X-APPLE-RADIUS=100;X-TITLE=P axton Pits Nature Reserve:geo:52.251499,-0.249724 ORGANIZER;CN="St Neots Astronomy Association" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London X-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT DTSTART:20240331T020000 TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST END:DAYLIGHT END:VTIMEZONE END:VCALENDAR