Nene Valley Astronomical Society Club Night
The first Monday of the month from January 2022 to December 2023
Chelveston Village Hall
Caldecott Road, Chelveston, Northamptonshire, NN9 6AT
Join the friendly astronomers from Nene Valley Astronomical Society for this one of their regular “Club nights” held on the first Monday of each month.
This session is an informal evening of astronomical chat and discussion featuring a guide to the current night skies and members contributions. The event will also be streamed via Zoom for those unable to attend in person.
Before the pandemic, club night meetings also included observing using telescopes after the meeting, weather permitting; however, this will depend on any current Covid restrictions.
All meetings are open to the public, who are guaranteed to receive a warm welcome (small admission fee payable on the door).
Event organiser
Nene Valley Astronomical Society organises these events
Please contact Nene Valley Astronomical Society directly for more details regarding their events.
Email: [email protected]
Website: Nene Valley Astronomical Society
Twitter: @neneastro
Facebook: Nene Valley Astronomical Society
Local light pollution
Chelveston Village Hall is estimated to have light pollution levels similar to asuburban suburban location based on data from the VIIRS satellite.
Dark site
The above demonstrates the estimated effect of light pollution - graphics created using Stellarium.
Forthcoming events
Below is a list of Nene Valley Astronomical Society Club Night events at Chelveston Village Hall. You can view events at this location on a calendar.